Gain Exposure Through Targeted Opportunities  

Looking for more ways to engage with Convention attendees? Check out our full line of advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

Awards (SOLD OUT)


(All Awards Are Exclusive)
Lifetime Achievement Award $25,000  – SOLD
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award $15,000 – SOLD



VIP Reception Sponsorship (2 available) – $10,000
Exclusive access to our VIP Reception for key leaders and special guests. Includes logo on signage and five invitations.

Pre-Convention Events: Logo on signage, app homepage presence, and email recognition for pre-con attendees.
Breakfast for 500+ attendees on June 21- $15,000
Connect with 500+ attendees during the afternoon coffee and snacks break – $10,000

NEW Poster Room Opening – $10,000 (2 available)
The event showcase of 100+ posters. Includes logo on entrance signage, app push notification, and online program recognition.

Also available: Expo Hall Opening Reception, President’s Party



Sunrise Yoga & Meditation – $7,500
Sponsor the morning yoga session on June 23 for wellness and brand exposure! Includes logo on a travel yoga mat, event signage, app homepage feature, and email recognition.

Morning Zumba – $7,500
Sponsor the morning Zumba session on June 24. Includes logo on a headband or cooling towel, event signage, app homepage feature, and email recognition.

Special Events

Special Events

NEW Nurse Blake Special Event – $30,000
Sponsor a ticketed event featuring Nurse Blake, drawing in a huge audience with his 1M+ followers! Includes event signage, email recognition, and branded napkins for the pre-show. Approval required.

NEW Jen Hamilton Solutions Lab – $15,000
Sponsor this exclusive Q&A with Jen Hamilton, L&D nurse and influencer (3.5M+ followers). Includes event signage, email recognition, logo on question submission platform, and app recognition on June 24. Approval required.

NEW Escape Room – $20,000
Sponsor an innovative, simulation-based escape room with neonatal and perinatal scenarios. Includes logo placement at the exhibit hall escape room location.

NEW Student Workshop

NEW Student Workshop

Title Sponsor – $5,000  SOLD
Be the exclusive Title Sponsor for the OB nursing student workshop! Includes 10 minutes to address students, a showcase table, title recognition on all workshop communications, app homepage on June 21, and emails to students.

Afternoon Coffee & Snacks – $2,500
Logo recognition on coffee/snack signage, app homepage on June 21, and in pre-workshop emails to students.

Notebook Sponsor – $1,500  SOLD
Feature your branding on eco-friendly notebooks and pens provided to students.

Showcase Table – $1,000
Set up a 6-ft table accessible during the workshop and breaks. Also, contribute a swag item to the Workshop Station Giveaway. Only 9 available!

Event App

Event App

Be the Official App Sponsor – $15,000
Gain visibility with your logo on the app home screen, an exclusive banner ad linked to your website, recognition in the Know Before You Go email, general session slides, and pre-convention emails. Deadline: April 1.

Mobile App Tower Ad
Boost visibility with a rotating, clickable ad on the app’s tower. 1 ad per sponsor, limited to 4 ads total. Deadline: April 1.

Push Notification
Send targeted push notifications directly to attendee devices to drive booth traffic or highlight products. Limited to 3 notifications per day.



Convention bags $25,000
Lanyards $12,500
Static digital ads within the app $5,000
Floor clings (Placed in an isle in the Expo Hall) $2,500 Each
Traffic builder $2,500 Industry Partner/ $3,500 Non-Industry Partner
Bag Inserts $2,000 Exhibitor/$3,000 Non-exhibitor



Focus Groups (Max 30 attendees) – $3,000 (Six slots available)
Symposium (Max 200 attendees) – $13,500
Super Symposium in General Session Room (Max 1000 attendees) – $50,000 (Two slots available)

Pre-Show Email

Pre-Show Email

Know-Before-You-Go (to attendees only) -$5,000
One week out from the show – $5,000
Two weeks out from the show – $4,500
Three weeks out from the show – $4,000
Four weeks out from the show – $3,500
Five weeks out from the show – $3,000

Pre-Registration Attendee List (Mailing List Only)

  • Two weeks out from the show  $600
  • Four weeks out from the show $500
  • Six weeks out from the show  $400